We keep it simple and hassle free

  • We reverse the trend, awaken minds about sustainable development, inspire people and leaders, to think differently about business and the world.
    We ignite the desire for radical rather than incremental goals, for innovative solutions that turn difficulties into opportunities, for positive business models that change the world and people's lives.

  • We are determined, activists but also practitioners and experts in the transition to sustainable development. We have put into practice innovative strategies allowing companies to actively participate while positively improving their image and commercial relations. We focus our efforts on the most powerful energy points to transform businesses.

  • We value our independence as much as we believe in the interdependence between a company and its environments. Because we believe that the efficiency of a private company can be put at the service of the common good, we are also strongly committed to the B Corp movement and we will take you there.


Join The Movement


We contribute to the construction of a reconciled, balanced, generous, united society where the activity of companies is a vector of social, environmental and technical progress. The best performing companies are the most engaged. The most sustainable are those which integrate social and environmental impact at the heart of their value creation model.

Use Business as a Force.